All Brevard County Public School teachers are invited to apply for Bright Ideas Classroom Grant funding for initiatives and programs in support of student achievement.

The intention of IpadBrevard Schools Foundation is to encourage teachers to implement creative projects in areas of need where school budgets fall short or tax dollars cannot be used.

Even with Brevard’s high ranking of dollars spent in the classroom, teachers typically spend between $500-$1,000 of their own money for classroom supplies. Without additional support, it is challenging for teachers to find ways to add innovative projects, hands on experiences and study trips to engage students in learning at the highest levels.

These grants serve this purpose and are funded in part with proceeds from the sale of “Support Education” specialty tags. Since 2003, Brevard Schools Foundation has awarded more than 800 teachers with over $700,000 in grants. Grants range from $500 to $1500, depending on the scope of the project.

Check out what one creative teacher did with a Bright Ideas Classroom Grant!

Bright Ideas Classroom Grants applications will open again in August.

Thank You Bright Ideas Classroom Grant Sponsors

Consortium of Florida Education Foundations

Help Support Teacher Innovation

Learn More

There are two ways to get yours:

Buy or Renew your plate online

Purchase it at the Tax Collector’s office

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