Brevard Schools Foundation joyously commemorates the fifth anniversary of the ‘Kindness All Around’ movement, a heartwarming initiative initially sparked by the students of Tropical Elementary. What began as a humble classroom project has evolved into a powerful global symbol, inspiring countless acts of kindness across communities.

Kindness All Around symbolUnder the guidance of teacher Barbara Wilcox, students crafted the iconic ‘Kindness All Around’ symbol in 2018. This simple yet profound emblem swiftly captured hearts, earning both local and international recognition for its message of compassion and empathy.

Recently, at a poignant school board meeting, students and Mrs. Wilcox proudly reflected on the movement’s fifth anniversary. Their heartfelt testimonies underscored the enduring impact of kindness within our community, reminding us all of the transformative power of empathy.

From organizing fundraisers for charitable causes to engaging in acts of service, students have wholeheartedly embraced the spirit of kindness, exemplifying its ability to create positive change.

How it Started. Kindness Classroom Grant photo collageAs we celebrate five years of the ‘Kindness All Around’ movement, let us recommit ourselves to spreading love and compassion in our daily lives. Each small act of kindness, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has the potential to ripple outward, shaping a brighter and more inclusive world for all.

We invite you to join us in honoring this remarkable journey and in continuing to inspire kindness wherever you go. Together, let us uphold the values of empathy and understanding that lie at the heart of the ‘Kindness All Around’ movement.

For further insight and captivating photographs, we encourage you to explore Finch Walker’s comprehensive article featured in Florida Today. Let us unite in celebrating the enduring legacy of kindness and in fostering a culture of compassion within our community and beyond.